Sekurak MSHP CTF Summary - Part 2
Some time ago (15.10-16.10) I took part in the Sekurak Mega Hacking Party CTF contest. I have already created the first post about challenges that I had managed to solve. This post will describe another challenges which I was pretty close to solve. 😉
The task was as follows:
You have access to Postgres console. You have to read the flag.
nc 1337
Upon accessing the console with nc command view was as follows, disappearing within a few seconds:
Due to disappearing I decided to use script interaction with a server which will allow for entering more commands:
const p = $`nc 1337`
p.stdin.write('SELECT * FROM cities;');
So upon being able to execute the comments, I simply did Select * from flag
but of course, it did not work.
So decided that the flag must be somewhere near the metadata of the table. Tried the DB version, current database and current user... Nothing interesting there... Also as a user ctf
, I was not able to get info about information_schema
which would contain more info. Suspected that...
So tried with below to somehow deserialize table information:
const p = $`nc 1337`
p.stdin.write('SELECT json_object_keys(to_json(json_populate_record(NULL::public.flag, \'{}\'::JSON)))\n;')
Getting closer. Got the column name. Selecting it allows selecting a value from the flag table which was Close
You might remember that the second value was but not there yet
but it is not shown in the schema above. Tried several more approaches and here I have stopped.
Turns out my thinking was correct but using the wrong query to do so. After deserializing the table to XML:
const p = $`nc 1337`
p.stdin.write('SELECT query_to_xml(\'select * from flag\',true,true,\'\'));
Which gave back the CTF flag:
So close 😭
"Decrypt" following text to find text originally written in Polish to find a flag:
As "decrypt" word was there and the format was known to me it looked like it is not real encryption but base-64 encode.
After decoding to UTF-8:
Hmmm tried to google translate it from Korean, the Chinese - something about Confucius was there. Ok, dead end.
Tried to change the encoding to binary representation, hex one etc... Tried to change to image... Have not seen the pattern that was there so I abandoned that tasks.
Turns out that one had to convert to UTF-16 and observe that all chars are moved by 8 bits. After changing 8 char at the start to 0 char in each nibble, message with CTF flag started to emerge.
Which in English means "This message is example of an easy substitution cipher. You can say it is something like ROT13". Flag is inside.
So all in all Sekurak CTF was really interesting and well prepared. This was my first start so hope to find more flags in the future 🕵️