Sara Łęcka
Sara Łęcka


Recruitment Specialist

Sara suspected that recruiting in IT would be something she would find herself in. And so it was - once she got a taste of the profession, she was lost! Her recruiting adventure began at Bright Inventions and she never felt as much fun from her work as she does here. 🙂

She greatly appreciates openness and willingness to get to know another person. She believes that being kind and trying to understand another person's perspective is the key to successful recruitment, as well as life itself. Nowhere does Sara feel more at home than in Gdynia's forests and beaches - she loves her city with all her heart. On warmer days she rides her board (beautiful shortboard with a seaside pattern). On weekends she studies psychology, which she loves with all her heart. 💙

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blog posts by Sara

Watch BrightDevTips: Bite-Sized Technical Knowledge in 60 Seconds
Watch BrightDevTips: Bite-Sized Technical Knowledge in 60 Seconds
Temperament Insights for Effective Recruiting: What Recruiters Need to Know?
Temperament Insights for Effective Recruiting: What Recruiters Need to Know?
7 Qualities of a Software Developer We Look for in Candidates
7 Qualities of a Software Developer We Look for in Candidates