31 reasons why we love working at Bright Inventions
Back at my desk I am looking at a challenging, but at the same time rewarding and amazing 2018. A new office, the team tripled in size, being among Top App Developers in Poland on Clutch and among Top 20 App Development Companies in Poland according to AppFutura, international networking, more industry leading partnership agreements and our entry into new Blockchain and AI world. What a year.
Hard work and a lot dedication. As Bright Inventions, I think more than anything we have managed to create a brand that people can be proud to stand behind and support. The values of trust, authenticity, optimism and loyalty shine through our team. We are not afraid of asking for clarification, of listening to our clients, of looking for innovative and optimal solutions to the problems. We prefer acting instead of waiting for your turn to speak. Surely, we are still quite far from where we want to end up but 2018 has clearly showed we are on the right path.
I believe that a true path to success is to support people in thriving at work, living great lives, and stepping into better versions of themselves. If you have great team and support them in learning and growth, you just have a better chance of succeeding.
In December we had a special initiative to think for a moment about our company culture, our development and roles in the company and in fact, about the reasons why we like working here at Bright.
For me, personally, the initiative was a time to reflect on last 2 years and realise what I value at Bright the most. And what I value the most are amazing inspiring people I work with, people who I meet every day in the morning and with whom I spend most of my time. What I value the most is trust and independence that I have been given from the beginning, and which I appreciate a lot. What I value are new development opportunities I have been offered and I am still being offered till this day. And probably I could add dozens of other reasons, but you can always check on your own.
I am always saying that the future of work is all about people, the people feeling connected to the culture of their company and the vision of their organisation. Job is much more than a pay cheque. It is a place you go to improve your skill set, contribute to the greater good, and collaborate with other awesome people. And that is the case of our bright success. We are surrounded by Bright People every day.

Bright New Year Everyone! Let's make 2019 the best year ever!