Understanding the Hoisting Behavior of let and const
Following our discussion on Frontend gotchas let’s delve into JavaScript's intricate behavior: hoisting. I’ll be shedding light on a prevalent myth surrounding this mechanism, particularly associated with the “let” and “const” keywords.

The myth: let and const are not hoisted
Hoisting is a mechanism that relocates variables declarations (those declared using the “var” keyword) and function declarations to the top of their respective scope within the code.
The traditional definition of hoisting often focuses on variables declared with the var keyword and functions declarations (entire function, including its body, is hoisted), leaving out the behavior of variables/constants declared using let and const (alongside various other JavaScript features like classes, although we’ll concentrate on variables/constants for clarity). This omission can lead to a misconception about hoisting. While it’s true that the hoisting mechanism isn’t experienced in the same way with let and const it doesn’t imply that it doesn’t exist for them. There’s a grain of truth behind this myth, highlighting a nuanced aspect of hoisting for these declarations.
Is hoisting even real?
It's important to emphasize that this relocation isn't a literal process. Instead, it acts as a mental model that helps us grasp how the JavaScript engine operates before code execution, particularly regarding variable and function declarations and their memory allocation.
The truth behind hosting of let and const
Within JavaScript, in tandem with variable hoisting, an auxiliary mechanism comes into play when a variable is declared using var. This mechanism, according to ECMAScript docs, in adherence to hoisting principles, initializes the variable with an undefined value:
A var statement declares variables that are scoped to the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. Var variables are created when their containing Environment Record is instantiated and are initialized to undefined when created
Consequently, this initialization permits the utilization of the variable without triggering any errors.
console.log(a) // here we can access "a" variable
var a = "abc";
// Console: undefined
Declaration and initialization
Before we unravel the truth behind a common myth, let’s lay down definitions for two crucial operations: “declaration” and “initialization.”
The declaration process marks the creation of variables/constants using keywords like var, let, or const, establishing their presence within a given scope.
var a; // declaration of variable "a"
let b; // declaration of variable "b"
const c; // this is not allowed - const has to be initialized with the value
The initialization is the phase where a value is assigned to a declared variable or constant.
var a; // declaration of variable "a"
a = 1 // initialization of "a" with the value 1
let b; // declaration of variable "b"
b = 2; // initialization of "b" with the value 2
const c = 3; // declaration of constant "c" with initialization with the value 3
It’s important to note that while this section provides a foundational understanding of declaration and initialization, the intricate mechanisms behind these processes fall outside the scope of this article.
Hoisting for let and const
In the preceding section, we highlighted that variables defined with the var keyword are hoisted and initialized with an undefined value. But what about their counterparts, let and const?
Variables and constants declared using let and const are indeed hoisted as well. This might seem surprising, so let’s clarify this with an example to address any potential confusion.
Consider the scenario where an attempt is made to access not defined variable:
// Console: ERROR: ReferenceError: a is not defined
As you’ve noticed, the error encountered is a ReferenceError stating “a is not defined”.
In the case of var declaration (var a), this error wouldn't persist (resulting in undefined output in the console). How would a similar scenario unfold with declarations using let and const keywords?
let a = "abc"
// Console: ???
const b = "abc"
// Console: ???
As mentioned earlier, both let and const declarations are hoisted in JavaScript. However, attempting to access variables declared with these keywords before their initialization results in a ReferenceError (the same type as in the example above). The error message, “Cannot access 'a' before initialization” (or “Cannot access ‘b’ before initialization” for const), distinguishes this scenario from trying to access an entirely non-existent (not defined) variable.
Given your understanding of the distinction between declaration and initialization, hoisting primarily involves shifting the declaration to the top of the variable’s scope. However, the error message often refers to “initialization”. To expand on the concept, it’s essential to note that both var and let variables are implicitly initialized with the undefined value, albeit unintentionally. Nevertheless, when attempting to access a let variable before its definition, this initialization mechanism doesn't occur, ECMAScript docs describes it as:
let and const declarations define variables that are scoped to the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. The variables are created when their containing Environment Record is instantiated but may not be accessed in any way until the variable's LexicalBinding is evaluated
As highlighted earlier in the article, only var variables are initialized with the undefined value after the hoisting phase.
Temporal Dead Zone
The absence of the behavior involving undefined initialization during hoisting for let and const declarations leads to errors when attempting to hoist them. While hoisting moves the declarations of variables/constants to the top of their scope, accessing uninitialized variables/constants declared with let and const isn't possible.
This behavior introduces what we refer to as the “Temporal Dead Zone”. It encapsulates the code block from the beginning of the scope (where the block defines the scope for let and const) until the point where the variable/constant is initialized. Entering this Temporal Dead Zone triggers the error we encountered earlier: “Cannot access 'a' before initialization".
The discussion on hoisting often revolves around var variables, often overlooking the nuanced behavior of let and const. Unlike var variables, which are hoisted and initialized with undefined, let and const variables/constants undergo hoisting without initialization. This leads to the Temporal Dead Zone, a crucial concept that underlies the myth that let and const are not hoisted.
Claiming that let and const are not hoisted is a simplification - it’s a mental shortcut. In reality, we cannot use these variables/constants before their declarations not because they are not hoisted, but because they lack initialization. This is evident in the ReferenceError message: “Cannot access ‘a’ before initialization”. The Temporal Dead Zone is the key to understanding this behavior.