bright devs blog

Bright Devs disAPPearing in Gdańsk
Bright Devs disAPPearing in Gdańsk
3 Reasons for my affair with React-Native
3 Reasons for my affair with React-Native
It might be worth it
It might be worth it
Redux - How do I understand it?
Redux - How do I understand it?
8 steps to keep your API sane
8 steps to keep your API sane
Do or do not. There is no try.
Do or do not. There is no try.
Professionals also make mistakes
Professionals also make mistakes
Are your views dumb enough? — A way to run your tests without simulator
Are your views dumb enough? — A way to run your tests without simulator
3D Touch - Peak&Pop feature.
3D Touch - Peak&Pop feature.
3D Touch - Adopting shortcut items to your app.
3D Touch - Adopting shortcut items to your app.