bright devs blog

Szymon Chmal Will Speak about Reflection in TypeScript at 4Developers Conference
Szymon Chmal Will Speak about Reflection in TypeScript at 4Developers Conference
Szymon Chmal, from Bright Inventions, Among Warsaw IT Days Speakers
Szymon Chmal, from Bright Inventions, Among Warsaw IT Days Speakers
The Role of Transpilers in Web Development
The Role of Transpilers in Web Development
Shake the tree and make your app smaller
Shake the tree and make your app smaller
How does the web work - simplified
How does the web work - simplified
Frontend Developer with Fullstack Mindset. Meet Bartek – a Bright Tech Lead
Frontend Developer with Fullstack Mindset. Meet Bartek – a Bright Tech Lead
Road to DevOps – How Tools Like AWS CDK Help with DevOps Transition
Road to DevOps – How Tools Like AWS CDK Help with DevOps Transition
XSS - are you sure you are protected?
XSS - are you sure you are protected?
Mocha.js - how to enable multiple test runners on CI/CD?
Mocha.js - how to enable multiple test runners on CI/CD?
Branding & Flavoring
Branding & Flavoring