ePOS and RMS

Our service included creating an intelligent point-of-sale application which runs on iPads. The application is widely used in Israel and since 2016 has been successfully entering European market. We were responsible for providing: backend server, web application a set of mobile applications including the main POS app, customer facing application, self-checkout application. In addition to development we are still taking care of the management, testing and the maintenance of the system.

Main features:

  • Printer and cash drawer integration
  • Reporting services
  • Analytics
  • Data export and import
  • Third party integration


  • iOS: Objective-C, Swift, ReactiveCocoa
  • Android: Kotlin, AndroidX
  • Backend: Kotlin, Java, Node.js, Docker, AWS, MySQL, PostgreSQL
  • Frontend: Angular, Babel, Elastic Beanstalk, Docker

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