Food Delivery iOS App Modernization: SwiftUI & Modern Concurrency Migrations

Meet a popular food delivery app and employee benefit in one. Our experienced iOS team quickly enhanced the app’s potential, steering it through crucial code modernizations while ensuring zero performance downgrades for users. Take a bite of the story of the iOS app developed for a global food delivery marketplace.
Years of collaboration
Bright team members
Restaurants in the system


technologies: Swift UI, Swift Concurrency, Firebase, Apple Pay


problem: finding a cohesive iOS development team

Our client, a leading global online food delivery marketplace, sought our expertise in iOS development to enhance their already popular food delivery app and benefit solution in Israel. They required a highly skilled mobile development team with strong cohesion and experience working together for years.

Our iOS experts quickly took charge of the existing app and swiftly familiarized themselves with the app's structure and underlying code. That smooth transition allowed us to efficiently maintain the current solution while simultaneously planning and executing further modernizations and development.

the solution

the solution: food delivery app serving two different groups

For over 2 years, we have been developing this unique solution that serves both B2C and B2B markets. This is not an ordinary food delivery app; it also functions as an employer benefit platform. With the app, companies can transfer funds to their employees, who can use this money to pay for lunch or grocery shopping. Thanks to the integration with Apple Pay and local payment providers, users can securely manage their funds with ease.

Also, the app combined with a special card unlocks unique bonuses and discounts. That's an additional key element that drives employers who want to share special offers with their employees.

The application is a native iOS solution, a domain in which our team excels. We handle the tech side of the project holistically, covering mobile development, quality assurance, performance monitoring, and key tech and business decision consulting. We work in close collaboration with client representatives, including project managers and product designers.

food delivery app

challenge: user-friendly code modernization with migration from UIKit to SwiftUI

One of the primary challenges is planning code modernization in line with ongoing development while ensuring high performance. A significant migration we are currently undertaking is the switch from UIKit to SwiftUI. SwiftUI allows the software team for faster view prototyping, helping our client save resources.

However, updating a highly popular application is a marathon, not a sprint. Transitioning to SwiftUI, especially for a widely used app, involves meticulous planning and execution. We are diligently progressing through this transition.

We are committed to implementing the top solutions Apple offers, including SwiftUI for more efficient UI development and Swift Concurrency for writing asynchronous code. Implementing the top iOS stack ensures that with every new iOS release, the application will be swiftly adjustable and new updates quickly accessible to users on new Apple devices.

A crucial part of code modernization is also shifting from asynchronous code to Modern Concurrency, which improved the app’s stability by eliminating data races (when two threads access the same data concurrently and at least one modifies it) and increasing thread safety (the protection of data from concurrent access issues).

Another challenge we faced was the effective testing of screens with Hebrew UI known for RTL (right-to-left) language. Although our team has over a decade of experience developing mobile and web solutions for the Israeli market, ensuring efficient testing is crucial. Thanks to snapshot testing, we can generate snapshots of particular screens. A special engine helps testers analyze differences between the UI design and the testing environment, predicting issues such as misaligned buttons. When testing a UI based on a language you are unfamiliar with, tools like these are invaluable.

Our client deeply appreciated our approach to quality assurance, engaging a software tester from our team to be part of the mobile team developing the Android version of this application.

the results of the collaboration

the result: scaling leading food delivery solution

After just a couple of weeks of joining the project centered around a highly popular product, we were able to take care of the solution smoothly. Not only do we maintain it, but we also keep developing it, adding new features.

Among them is a users' subaccount where they can keep leftover funds for future spending, as well as an active order banner where users can check the order progress without refreshing the app. Thanks to the quick search feature, users can also look on the map for restaurants in the area and quickly view the menu and possible discounts.

While adding all these new features and conducting code modernization simultaneously, we ensured that users didn't experience any negative effects from the changes we introduced to the code. The app continues to grow as a leading food delivery solution in Israel.

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