bright devs blog

Simplistic JavaScript dependency injection with ES6 destructuring
Simplistic JavaScript dependency injection with ES6 destructuring
iOS: The simplest star rating control ever
iOS: The simplest star rating control ever
NSKeyedArchiver / Unarchiver
NSKeyedArchiver / Unarchiver
Android Data Binding Part 2: Observer pattern to the bone
Android Data Binding Part 2: Observer pattern to the bone
Android Data Binding Part 1: Why it is important
Android Data Binding Part 1: Why it is important
Handling different user types in Android application
Handling different user types in Android application
Maintaining current user information in Android
Maintaining current user information in Android
[CocoaHeads Tricity] Automate your iOS deployment a bit
[CocoaHeads Tricity] Automate your iOS deployment a bit
iOS layouts for web developers
iOS layouts for web developers
iOS layouts for web developers #5 - events handling
iOS layouts for web developers #5 - events handling