bright devs blog

Migrating away from Bintray/JCenter when there is no alternative repository
Migrating away from Bintray/JCenter when there is no alternative repository
CloudWatch Insights - how to find context of multiple requests?
CloudWatch Insights - how to find context of multiple requests?
4 things that surprised me when I joined a software development company
4 things that surprised me when I joined a software development company
Mocha.js - how to enable multiple test runners on CI/CD?
Mocha.js - how to enable multiple test runners on CI/CD?
Why Am I Here? A Few Thoughts about Effective Meetings
Why Am I Here? A Few Thoughts about Effective Meetings
Branding & Flavoring
Branding & Flavoring
Object typing
Object typing
Covariance & Contravariance
Covariance & Contravariance
Bitrise Loves Detox
Bitrise Loves Detox
Forward compatible enums in Kotlin
Forward compatible enums in Kotlin