bright devs blog

Reactive Cocoa presented on CocoaHeads Tricity
Reactive Cocoa presented on CocoaHeads Tricity
Google Play Services is no longer a giant monolith
Google Play Services is no longer a giant monolith
Integrate slf4j with Crashlytics
Integrate slf4j with Crashlytics
Playing with Material Design, Toolbar and Palette
Playing with Material Design, Toolbar and Palette
InjectionForXcode meets command line
InjectionForXcode meets command line
Attaching ShareJS to select HTML element
Attaching ShareJS to select HTML element
ListViewWithSectionsAdapter for Android ListView, simple way to implement list view with sections.
ListViewWithSectionsAdapter for Android ListView, simple way to implement list view with sections.
Introducing slf4android - a simple slf4j implementation for android
Introducing slf4android - a simple slf4j implementation for android
ShareJS 0.7.3 working example
ShareJS 0.7.3 working example